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Criminal Investigation (4th Edition) – Brandl – eBook PDF

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eBook details

  • Author: Steven G. Brandl
  • File Size: 20 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 568 Pages
  • Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; 4th edition
  • Publication Date: February 2, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: 1506391419
  • ISBN-10: 1506391419
  • ISBN-13: 9781506391410
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Criminal Investigation (4th Edition) – Brandl – eBook PDF

Brandl’s Criminal Investigation, 4th Edition, (PDF) provides a comprehensive and engaging examination of criminal investigation and the pivotal role criminal evidence plays in the process. The textbook emphasizes on the five critical areas crucial to understanding criminal investigations: background and contextual issues, legal procedures, evidence collection procedures, criminal evidence, and forensic science. In this new Fourth Edition, admired author Steven G. Brandl goes beyond a simple how-to on investigative procedures and evaluates modern research and actual investigative cases to show their importance in the real world of criminal justice.

New to the 4th Edition:

  • New material on touch DNA assists you see the benefits and limitations of scientific evidence gathered from a crime scene.
  • New material on documenting evidence through reports provides examples of well-written police reports to help you build better writing skills.
  • Over 75 new photos, most of which are case photos from actual investigations, illustrate important concepts to help keep you engaged with the content.
  • A stronger emphasis on terrorism and the use of technology in investigations motivates you to discuss and critically evaluate the future of criminal investigations.
  • New and revised statistical information, research findings, investigative procedures, and legal cases make sure you are learning about the most current research in the field.
  • Several new “From the Case File” chapter introductions and 25 new in-chapter “Case-in-Point” investigative case examples make it easier for you to associate the content to the real world.
  • New sections titled “Mental Mistakes in Criminal Investigations,” “Perspectives on the Criminal Investigation Process,” and “Qualities and Characteristics of Investigators” provide you tips and advice for conducting successful investigations.


A very practical, engaging, comprehensive text on criminal investigation. — Elizabeth B. Perkins

Brandl has used a professional academic approach that fits every college student’s needs. — Chris Haney

This textbook gives a breath of fresh air to assist students to achieve their educational goals. — Shawn Morrow

This is a solid criminal investigation textbook with an emphasis on actual cases that reinforce and illustrate the principles explained throughout the ebook. — Lisa Kara

The Brandl textbook offers a comprehensive examination of a criminal investigation. The author balances theory with practical examples and shows concepts using contemporary cases. — Scott Duncan

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Criminal Investigation 4th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.

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