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The Biology of Beauty: The Science behind Human Attractiveness – eBook PDF

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eBook details

  • Author: Rachelle M. Smith
  • File Size: 5 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 264 pages
  • Publisher: Greenwood
  • Publication Date: June 8, 2018
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1440849889
  • ISBN-13: 9781440849886
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The Biology of Beauty: The Science behind Human Attractiveness – eBook PDF

This thought-provoking ebook, The Biology of Beauty: The Science behind Human Attractiveness, (PDF) explores the science behind human attractiveness—the proportions, ratios, and other factors that to a large extent determine what we find “beautiful.”

It’s said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” but the latest scientific research suggests that human attractiveness is much more independent than we once thought, deeply rooted in our evolutionary and biology history. For example, facial symmetry is deemed extremely attractive because it shows good health and nutrition during the formative developmental years. This ebook explores these insights.

Part I of the ebook takes a closer look at what qualities we find the most attractive and why. It discusses why attractiveness is vital from an evolutionary standpoint and the advantages (and disadvantages) of being good-looking. Along with exploring these beauty “universals,” it explores how beauty ideals can be shaped by factors such as religion, culture, and the media. Part II offers an in-depth analysis of individual features that contribute to attractiveness, providing scientific explanations for our preferences. The ebook also includes a collection of insightful sidebars that emphasize beauty ideals in different parts of the world and at other times in history.

    • Examines the high-interest and often debated subject of beauty objectively, drawing on several scientific and psychological studies
    • Explores the physical and psychological effects of living in a highly beauty-conscious society and emphasizes the impact of media on cultural ideals
    • Shows both the variable and universal aspects of beauty, helping readers to comprehend how ideals change over time and from culture to culture
    • Includes a unique two-part organization that offers readers a broad conceptual framework followed by a comprehensive analysis of particular features that contribute to the attractiveness


Written in a very easy-to-read and accessible style . . . this ebook would be appropriate for libraries serving psychology departments that emphasize on evolutionary psychology.” — ARBA

NOTE: The product only includes the ebook The Biology of Beauty: The Science behind Human Attractiveness, in PDF. No access codes are included.


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