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Process Consultation Revisited: Building the Helping Relationship, ISBN-13: 978-0201345964

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Process Consultation Revisited: Building the Helping Relationship by Edgar Schein, ISBN-13: 978-0201345964

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎Addison Wesley, Year: 1999
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 276 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎020134596X
  • ISBN-13: ‎978-0201345964

A new member of the renowned PH OD Series! The latest addition to the author’s well-loved set of process consultation books, this new volume builds on the content of the two that precede it while expanding to explore the critical area of the helping relationship. Process Consultation Revisited focuses on the interaction between a consultant and client, and explains how to achieve a healthy helping relationship. Whether the advisor is an OD consultant, therapist, social worker, manager, parent, or friend, the dynamics between advisor and advisee can be difficult to understand and manage. Schein creates a general theory and methodology of helping that will enable a diverse group of readers to navigate the helping process successfully.

The latest addition to the author’s well-loved set of process consultation books, this new volume builds on the content of the two that precede it and explores the critical area of the helping relationship. Process Consultation, Volume I (2nd edition) explains the concept of PC and its role in organization development, focusing on the behavior of the consultant rather than on the design of the OD program itself. Process Consultation, Volume II reaffirms PC as a viable model for working with human systems and explores additional theories of PC relevant to experienced consultants and managers. Now, Process Consultation Revisited focuses on the interaction between consultant and client, explaining how to achieve healthy helping relationship so essential to effective consultation. whether the advisor is an OD consultant, therapist, social worker, manager, parent, or friend, the dynamics between advisor and advisee can be difficult to understand and manage. Drawing on over 40 years of experience as a consultant, Schein creates a general theory and methodology of helping that will enable a diverse group of readers to navigate the helping process success fully.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 : What Is Process Consultation? 3
Models of Consultation and the Tacit Assumptions on Which
They Rest 5
Case Examples/Exercises 23
Chapter 2: The Psychodyna1nics of the Helping Relationship 30
The Initial Status In1balance in Helping Relationships 3 1
Relationship Building Through Levels of Mutual Acceptance 37
Exercise 4 1
Chapter 3: Active Inquiry and Listening as StatusEquilibrating
Processes 42
Types of Active Inquiry 45
The Concept of Appreciative Inquiry 56
Case Example/Exercises 60
Chapter 4: The Concept of Client 64
Who? Basic Types of Clients 65
What? Client Roles by Levels of Problems or Issues 66
Targets of Influence as Clients and the li;npact of Nonclients 77
Case Exa1nples/Exercise 79
Chapter 5: Intrapsychic Processes: ORJI 86
The More Realistic ORJI Cycle 92
How to Avoid Traps 94
Case Example/Exercise 99
Chapter 6: Face-to-Face Dynamics: Cultural Rules of Interaction
and Communication 101
Why Do People Communicate in the First Place? 1 0 1
Hutnan Exchange as Drama 1 07
The Sacredness of the Person: The Dyna1nics of Face Work 109
Exercise 1 2 1
Chapter 7: Co1nmunication and Deliberate Feedback 125
Levels of Co1nmunication l 25
Deliberate Feedback as a Designed Learning Process 1 30
Principles and Guidelines for Deliberate Feedback 1 33
. Case Example/Exercises 1 42
Chapter 8: Facilitative Process Interventions:
Task Processes in Groups 145
What Is Process? 146
Group Problem Solving and Decision Making 1 52
Group Decision-Making Methods 1 5 8
Chapter 9: Facilitative Process Interventions:
Interpersonal Processes 172
Processes of Building and Maintaining a Group 1 72
Group Maturity 1 93
Where to Intervene: Task or Interpersonal? Content, Process,
or Structure? 1 94
Case Example/Exercises l 96
Chapter 10: Facilitative Process Interventions: Dialogue 201
Dialogue vs. Sensitivity Training 202
Case Examples/Exercises 2 1 5
Chapter 1 1 : Consultation in Action: Entry, Settings, Methods,
and the Psychological Contract 221
First Contact and Entry 222
Defining the Relationship: The Exploratory Meeting 223
Settings and Methods of Work 226
The Psychological Contract 235
Chapter 12: Process Consultation and the Helping Relationship
in Perspective 242
Ten Principles as the Essence of Process Consultation 242
A Concluding Personal Note 247

Edgar H. Schein is the Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus and Senior Lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. He started his education at the University of Chicago, received his B.A. and M.A. from Stanford University, and earned h i s P h . D . i n social psychology at Harvard University in 1952. Dr. Schein has published several books, including Process Consultation, Volume I: Its Role in Organization Development (1969, 2n d ed. in 1988), Career Dynamics (1978), Organizational Psychology (1980), Organizational Culture and Leadership (1985, 2nd ed. in 1992). Career Anchors: Discovering Your Real Values (1985), and Process Consultation, Volume II: Lessons for Managers and Consultants (1987), as well as numerous journal articles. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Management and the American Psychological Association, and he has been a management and organization development consultant to many corporations and government agencies in the United States and abroad.

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