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Practical Management Science 6th Edition Wayne L. Winston, ISBN-13: 978-1337406659

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Practical Management Science 6th Edition by Wayne L. Winston, ISBN-13: 978-1337406659

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: ‎ Cengage Learning; 6th edition (January 1, 2018)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 888 pages
  • ISBN-10: ‎ 1337406651
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1337406659

Learn to take full advantage of the power of spreadsheet modeling with PRACTICAL MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 6E, geared entirely to Excel 2016. This edition uses an active-learning approach and realistic problems with the right amount of theory to ensure you establish a strong foundation. Exercises offer practical, hands-on experience with the methodologies. Examples and problems from finance, marketing, and operations management, and other areas of business illustrate how management science applies to your chosen profession — and how you can use these skills on the job. The authors emphasize modeling rather than algebraic formulations and memorization of particular models.

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Modeling.

2. Introduction to Spreadsheet Modeling.

3. Introduction to Optimization Modeling.

4. Linear Programming Models.

5. Network Models.

6. Optimization Models with Integer Variables.

7. Nonlinear Optimization Models.

8. Evolutionary Solver: An Alternative Optimization Procedure.

9. Decision Making Under Uncertainty.

10. Introduction to Simulation Modeling.

11. Simulation Models.

12. Queueing Models.

13. Regression and Forecasting Models.

14. Data Mining

15. Project Management (MindTap only).

16. Multiobjective Decision Making (MindTap only).

17. Inventory and Supply Chain Models (MindTap only).

Wayne L. Winston is Professor Emeritus of Decision Sciences at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and is now Professor of Decision and Information Sciences at the Bauer College at the University of Houston. Dr. Winston has received more than 45 teaching awards and is a six-time recipient of the school-wide M.B.A. award. His current interest focuses on showing how to use spreadsheet models to solve business problems in all disciplines, particularly in finance, sports and marketing. In addition to publishing more than 20 articles in leading journals, Dr. Winston has written such successful textbooks, including OPERATIONS RESEARCH: APPLICATIONS AND ALGORITHMS; MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING: APPLICATIONS AND ALGORITHMS; SIMULATION MODELING WITH @RISK; DATA ANALYSIS FOR MANAGERS; SPREADSHEET MODELING AND APPLICATIONS; MATHLETICS, DATA ANALYSIS AND BUSINESS MODELING WITH EXCEL 2016; MARKETING ANALYTICS; and FINANCIAL MODELS USING SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION. Dr. Winston received his B.S. degree in mathematics from MIT and his Ph.D. in operations research from Yale.

S. Christian Albright received both his B.S. degree in mathematics and his Ph.D. in operations research from Stanford. He then taught in the Operations and Decision Technologies Department in the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University until his retirement in 2011. He taught courses in management science, computer simulation and statistics to all levels of business students, including undergraduate, M.B.A. and Ph.D. students. He has published more than 20 articles in leading operations research journals in applied probability. After retiring, he worked for several years for the Palisade software company. Now living in Hilton Head, SC, he continues to revise several successful textbooks, including this edition, PRACTICAL MANAGEMENT SCIENCE and VBA FOR MODELERS.

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