Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management 12th Edition by Jay Heizer, ISBN-13: 978-0134130422
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
912 pages
Publisher: Pearson; 12 edition (January 30, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0134130421
ISBN-13: 978-0134130422
For courses in Operations Management.
A broad, practical introduction to operations, reinforced with an extensive collection of practice problems
Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic and practical manner, while offering the largest and most diverse collection of issues on the market. Problems found in the Twelfth Edition contain ample support–found in the book’s solved-problems and worked examples–to help readers better understand concepts important to today’s operations management professionals.
About the Author: Jay Heizer
Professor Emeritus, the Jesse H. Jones Chair of Business Administration, Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, Texas. He received his B.B.A. and M.B.A. from the University of North Texas and his Ph.D. in Management and Statistics from Arizona State University.
He was previously a member of the faculty at the University of Memphis, the University of Oklahoma, Virginia Commonwealth University, and the University of Richmond. He has also held visiting positions at Boston University, George Mason University, the Czech Management Center, and the Otto-Von-Guericka University, Magdeburg.
Dr. Heizer’s industrial experience is extensive. He learned the practical side of operations management as a machinist apprentice at Foringer and Company, as a production planner for Westinghouse Airbrake, and at General Dynamics, where he worked in engineering administration. In addition, he has been actively involved in consulting in the OM and MIS areas for a variety of organizations, including Philip Morris, Firestone, Dixie Container Corporation, Columbia Industries, and Tenneco. He holds the CPIM certification from APICS–the Association for Operations Management.
Professor Heizer has co-authored 5 books and has published more than 30 articles on a variety of management topics. His papers have appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Purchasing, Personnel Psychology, Production & Inventory Control Management, APICS–The Performance Advantage, Journal of Management History, IIE Solutions, and Engineering Management, among others. He has taught operations management courses in undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs.
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