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Lean Six Sigma for Engineers and Managers, ISBN-13: 978-1482243529

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Lean Six Sigma for Engineers and Managers: With Applied Case Studies by Matthew Franchetti, ISBN-13: 978-1482243529
[PDF eBook eTextbook]

279 pages
Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (March 16, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1482243520
ISBN-13: 978-1482243529

An in-depth introduction, Lean Six Sigma for Engineers and Managers: With Applied Case Studies presents a detailed road map and industry examples to help you understand and implement the LSS system. It discusses the LSS process to define improvement needs, measure current business performance, analyze performance results using statistical tools, improve business and financial results, and control peak business performance. It shows you how to realize the customer satisfaction benefits of Six Sigma and the cost reduction benefits of Lean manufacturing.

A practical and technical guide to fully understanding and implementing LSS for any organization, from manufacturing to service facilities, this book is based on concepts related to total quality management, data analysis, and statistical process control. It details an LSS process that has been applied and refined during the past 10 years on more than 20 LSS projects around the globe. The book includes a framework for implementing LSS, discusses LSS strategies, and includes case studies from service and manufacturing organizations.

The need for LSS has been brought on by increased global competition, sustained financial crises, and increased consumer expectations for higher quality and lower costs. Technologically complex products and processes combined with global supply chains have intensified the need for LSS. The benefits of focusing on LSS by individual organizations can lead to enhanced economic performance, strong levels of customer satisfaction, and higher market shares. With discussions of statistical analysis, training, implementation, common pitfalls, and best practices, this book gives you the edge in increasing your organization’s competitiveness in the rapidly evolving global market.

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