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Canadian Business and Society: Ethics, Responsibilities and Sustainability (4th Edition) – eBook PDF

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $13.00.

eBook details

  • Author: Robert Sexty
  • File Size: 75 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 431 Pages
  • Publisher: McGraw Hill Ryerson; 4th Canadian Edition
  • Publication Date: Jan. 12, 2017
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1259087549, 1259087484
  • ISBN-13: 9781259087547, 9781259087486


Canadian Business and Society: Ethics, Responsibilities and Sustainability (4th Edition) – eBook PDF

Sexty’s Canadian Business and Society 4th edition (PDF) is a Canadian ground-up textbook that provides a broad overview of the Canadian business system, its interrelationships with society and the expectation of ethics in business, and business’s adherence to moral standards.

In addition to three keywords: ethics, responsibilities, and sustainability, Robert Sexty takes a “business and society” approach to business. The norms, standards, ideals, codes, or principles that provide guidance for morally right behaviour in managerial decision-making that is related to business operations and a business’s interaction with society are referred to as business ethics. Society accepts business as long as it realizes its obligations and considers society’s needs and aspirations in its operations. As a result, businesses have felt a growing need to do more.

Sustainability (the triple ‘e’) refers to a management style that incorporates Ethical, Economic, and Environmental obligations into all management systems.

By presenting new ideas and concepts, tying ideas to images, addressing topics from various angles, and exposing readers to new sources of knowledge, Sexty’s Canadian Business & Society Fourth Edition promotes and encourages critical thinking. Students can utilize their skills to clarify facts, assess information, articulate and defend their own intellectual viewpoints, and develop appropriate courses of action using the concepts, theories, and illustrations.

978-1259087547, 978-1259087486

NOTE: This sale only includes Canadian Business & Society: Ethics, Responsibilities and Sustainability 4e in PDF. No access codes included.


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