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A Comprehensive Dictionary of Inorganic Chemistry by Warren Carmen, ISBN-13: 978-8182470507

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A Comprehensive Dictionary of Inorganic Chemistry by Warren Carmen, ISBN-13: 978-8182470507

[PDF eBook eTextbook]

  • Publisher: Chandigarh (2009)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • 201 pages
  • ISBN-10: 9788182470507
  • ISBN-13: 978-8182470507

The subject of inorganic chemistry deals with chemical compounds that do not contain hydrocarbon radicals. It is the specialised branch of chemistry and is the complex one. This makes it a tremendous task, to present the dictionary in such a way that it is well received by the community who are very much concerned with the subject. This dictionary is in fact, is formulated in such a way that everybody, either s/he is a student, a teacher or a researcher. This dictionary contains more than 2000 well researched, exhaustively and are precisely explained. The descriptions are described in the simplest of the language. Many of the terms in the dictionary are also supplemented with the visual representations. These visual representations help the readers to grasp the point behind the definitions very easily and without any fuss. These visual representations provide supplementary knowledge to the readers rather than emphasising what already is given in the text. This different methodology will certainly help the readers of this dictionary to get an edge over others who are pursuing different paths.

All in all with so much of hard work being involved in the formulation of this book, we hope that this venture will certainly find it’s niche in the reader’s mind and reader will find it their best companion in their quest of exploring the field of Inorganic Chemistry.

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