Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics 2nd Edition by John D. W. Morecroft, ISBN-13:9781118844687
[PDF eBook eTextbook]
504 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (July 27, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1118844688
ISBN-13: 978-1118844687
Insightful modelling of dynamic systems for better business strategy
The business environment is constantly changing and organisations need the ability to rehearse alternative futures. By mimicking the interlocking operations of firms and industries, modelling serves as a ‘dry run’ for testing ideas, anticipating consequences, avoiding strategic pitfalls and improving future performance.
Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics is an essential guide to credible models; helping you to understand modelling as a creative process for distilling and communicating those factors that drive business success and sustainability. Written by an internationally regarded authority, the book covers all stages of model building, from conceptual to analytical. The book demonstrates a range of in-depth practical examples that vividly illustrate important or puzzling dynamics in firm operations, strategy, public policy, and everyday life.
A powerful package of blended learning materials that:
– Introduce the system dynamics approach of modelling strategic problems in business and society
– Include industry examples and public sector applications with interactive simulators and contemporary visual modelling software
– Provide the latest state-of-the-art thinking, concepts and techniques for systems modelling
“Much more than an introduction, John Morecroft’s Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics uses interactive ‘mini-simulators and microworlds’ to create an engaging and effective learning environment in which readers, whatever their background, can develop their intuition about complex dynamic systems.”
John Sterman, Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management
“Illustrated by examples from everyday life, business and policy, John Morecroft expertly demonstrates how systems thinking aided by system dynamics can improve our understanding of the world around us.”
Stewart Robinson, Associate Dean Research, President of the Operational Research Society, Professor of Management Science, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University
About the Author
John Morecroft is Senior Fellow in Management Science and Operations at London Business School where he has taught system dynamics, problem structuring and strategy in MBA, PhD and Executive Education programmes. He served as Associate Dean of the School’s Executive MBA and co-designed EMBA-Global, a dual degree programme with New York’s Columbia Business School.
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