The Art of Global Power: Artwork and Popular Cultures as World-Making Practices – eBook PDF:
Emily Merson
The Art of Global Power: Artwork and Popular Cultures as World-Making Practices – eBook
Artwork and popular cultures are vital sites of contesting and changing power relationships in world politics.
The contributors to this revised collection draw on their experiences across arts, activist, and academic communities to evaluate how the global politics of capitalism, colonialism, and patriarchy are expressed and may be transformed through artistic labor and popular cultures.
Through their popular cultures and methodological treatment of artwork as material sites of generating aesthetic knowledge and symbolizing global power, the authors foreground an evaluation of global hierarchies and transformative empowerment through critically engaged cultural projects and political imagination.
By centralizing an intersectional analysis of the gendered, racialized, economic dimensions of the praxis of culture, The Art of Global Power shows how artwork and popular culture projects, events, and institutions are crucial sites of transgressing the material conditions that produce and sustain unfair global power hierarchies.
This ebook intervenes in the international relations popular culture literature by problematizing the idea of a single homogenizing global popular culture and involving with multiple popular cultures articulated from diverse global locations and worldviews.
To the international relations aesthetics literature this ebook contributes an intersectional analysis of aesthetics as an exemplified process of knowledge production and action that takes place within global conditions of capitalism, colonialism, and patriarchy.
This ebook will appeal to college students, researchers and practitioners of international relations, and cultural, gender and media studies.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook The Art of Global Power in PDF. No access codes are included.
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